Thursday, August 5, 2021

Teak Decking for Swimming Pool


Usage of Brazilian Teak Decking for Swimming Pool

Brazilian Teak wood is a hardwood native to South America. It is extremely dense and five times harder than traditional pine or cedar. Its color and appearance makes it a good choice for swimming pool decking. It gives an elegant finish to the surroundings and blends well in outdoor environments. Its durable properties makes its installation and maintenance economic and hassle free. The wood is termed reliable and untwisted because of its Janka hardness of 1155. Brazilian Teak can be air dried to attain 8-15% moisture content to support easy decking of swimming pools.

How to use Brazilian Teak Decking for Swimming Pool:

Before using the teak wood for swimming pool decking, it is important to equalize the moisture content of the wood with the environment it is going to be in. The process takes some time but gives the deck the desired stability.

• Store the wood in an area with similar moisture content to that of the final installation site, i.e. the swimming pool.

• Stack all the decking boards at an elevated level from the ground to ensure air flow between each layer for wood.

• Ensure that the wood is not covered or trapped. Keeping the wood covered-up generates a greenhouse effect making it deficient in the desired moisture content.

Teak wood decking is an excellent choice for swimming pool decking because of the benefits it offers. Some of these are enumerated here:

• Durability: Teak wood is derived from the matured teak trees and thus it can endure heavy loads and drastic climatic changes.

• Easy Cleaning: Brazilian teak has a smooth finish which makes cleaning and maintenance simple. Simply wiping your decking with warm water will help a great deal.

• Decay Resistant: This wood is resistant to red decay or white fungal decay making it last longer. The traditional teak wood decking lasts for over fifty years without preservatives.

• Appeal: The perfect bold texture and rich coloring complements the swimming pool well and makes the ambiance look elegant and tastefully done.

• Eco-Friendly: Teak tree grows comparatively faster than other decking wood trees. Moreover, teak wood can be reused for other purpose and does not cause any side effect to the environment.

• Worthy Deals: Brazilian teak is a moderately priced wood as compared to other outdoor decking woods. But its maintenance cost and durability makes it worth the investment.


HDF Wood


MDF Wood vs HDF Wood: How are They Different?

What is HDF (High Density Fiberboard) Flooring?


There are three types of fiberboard flooring and highlighting on the HDF vs MDF comparison. HDF is referred to as hardboard, a high density fiberboard (HDF) for flooring is a type of engineered wood product. It’s made from wood fiber extracted from chips and pulped wood waste. HDF for flooring is similar but much harder and denser than particle board or medium density fiberboard (MDF) for flooring. It has a density greater than 50 pounds per cubic foot or 800 kg per cubic meter. This makes for a perfect stabilizing material for laminate floors and engineered hardwood flooring.

Like other types of fiberboard for flooring, a HDF for flooring cannot be used outside because it absorbs water. A tempered form of hardboard can resist moisture and is more durable. It is made by adding oil that becomes a polymer when the board is formed under high temperature and pressure. This tempered hardboard is used in construction siding

What is MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) For Flooring?

Medium density fiberboard for flooring, or MDF, is also an engineered product. It is made of wood wastage fibers compressed together with resin or glue under heat and pressure. It is similar to particle board but more dense. MDF has a density of 600-800 kg/m³, which is higher than many hardwoods. It also doesn’t warp or swell easily in high humidity areas like bathrooms or washrooms. Once again, these characteristics make it an ideal core layer material for laminate flooring and engineered floors.

MDF is also regularly used for furniture, cabinetry, wall panels, shelving, storage units, decorative molding, and doors. Due to its insular qualities in sound and heat, acoustic enclosures for loudspeakers and sub-woofers often are made




10 Benefits of Solid Hardwood Flooring

More and more homeowners are turning to hardwood floors for their homes. Some prefer the classic look of wood flooring over carpet or tile, while others simply like that this type of flooring is easier to clean and maintain. But, the question remains, which one is better: carpet, tile or hardwood floors?

Today, we’re going to make the case for wood floors, and why you should consider this type of flooring over other types available on the market. Below we’ve listed out twelve reasons why you would benefit from installing hardwood flooring in your home.

1. Enhance the Look of Your Home

Wood floors not only add a touch of elegance to your home, but also a bit of warmth. Many homeowners believe that having hardwood floors even makes the space look bigger. Whether it makes your home feel more inviting depends on the rest of your décor, but it’s an easy way to make a great first impression.

2. Low Maintenance & Easy to Clean

Hardwood floors are incredibly easy to keep clean. They can be swept, steam-cleaned, or vacuumed to remove any dirt or debris that has accumulated. Imagine not having to clean very often, while still knowing that your floors are not harboring any environmental hazards like dust mites or pet dander. What makes wood floors even easier to maintain is the fact that they are significantly more stain resistant than carpets. If you spill something, all you need to do is wipe it up. 

3. Strong & Durable

Being durable is one of the primary reasons why homeowners choose to upgrade to solid wood floors. One of the main reasons this type of flooring is so easy to maintain is partly due to their durability. Sure, they can get scratched or dented, but it’s not easy to do. If you take proper care of your wood floors, the hard surface can last for decades.

4. Adds Value to Your Home

Wood floors can add value to your home. When it comes time for you to sell your home, buyers will pay more for a house with hardwood than carpet. Many home buyers don’t want carpet… especially somebody else’s carpet. They see used carpet as a petri dish that is going to provoke their allergy symptoms. Many home buyers would plan on replacing carpets, which is why they will pay more for a house that already has hardwood floors. Because it’s a feature sought out, wood flooring may even help sell your house faster.

5. Better Air Quality

Unlike carpet, hardwood floors do not trap dust, animal dander, pollen, particulate matter or other common allergens. This means that it’s significantly easier to improve your indoor air quality.  Wood floors are often a must for allergy sufferers.

Why are wood floors better than tile or laminate in terms of air quality? Even though tile and laminate do not have the fibers that carpet has, they still have grout lines and an embossing. These grout lines and embossing are a great place for dust and other allergens to settle.

6. Looks Good in All Décor Theme

One of the primary benefits of wood flooring is its versatility to adapt to almost every interior design theme in your home. No matter how often you are inspired to change the mirrors, wall art, decorative accents or other decor in your home, the floors will always look good and fit your desired theme.

Additionally, not only will wood flooring not clash with your décor, but you have a wide range of colors, shades, and species to choose from. With real hardwood floors, you don’t get a factory pattern that repeats every so often. You get natural beauty available with a variety of shades, swirls, and grains that add character to your home.

7. Long-Lasting & Cost-Effective

Hardwood floors are easy to maintain, durable and provide better air quality. But they can be expensive, right? Depending on the other floor you are considering, wood floors may be more expensive option to purchase. However, there are a few factors you should consider.

Think about the long-term costs. Wood floors are easier to clean and less likely to be damaged. This will reduce your cleaning or repair costs over the years. Additionally, because they are so durable, hardwood floors can last for generations. This long-lasting quality makes them a cost-effective flooring option. It may be a little more upfront, but in the end, it will save you money.

8. Color Doesn’t Fade

Many carpets will lose their luster over time. The color starts to change with wear and tear, and all the stains that are impossible to remove. You won’t experience this issue with hardwood. The steady appearance of hardwood is one of the reasons why hardwood last for so many years and rarely need to be replaced.

9. Can Be Refinished

However, what if you want to change the color? You can do that with solid hardwood floors. Unlike carpet or tile, this type of flooring can be refinished rather than replaced.

This is a huge benefit as the cost to refinish is significantly lower than buying and installing new flooring. It is also beneficial because it gives you the chance to drastically change your home without spending loads of money. Or maybe you just bought a house but don’t like the color of the wood floors, all you have to do is sand the color off and stain them to your liking. It’s as easy as that, and much cheaper than replacing the whole thing.

10. Improve Acoustics in Your Home

Hardwood floors can also improve the acoustics within the room. They reduce hollow sounds or vibrations that often occur. This quality is why you’ll find hardwood in nearly every dance or music studio. Though, if you’re looking for a wood-like flooring that reduces noise, vinyl or cork may be the better choice here.  




What is Beech Hardwood Flooring?


One of the key ways of determining the durability of a hardwood floor is through its Janka scale rating. The Janka scale places a numerical value on the softness or hardness of a particular wood. A low score of zero indicates a wood is too soft for flooring while a high score of 4000 indicates the wood is much too hard to be suitable for flooring. The Janka scale rating of the beech wood is 1300, making it slightly harder than red oak. This rating indicates that flooring made from beech lumber is suitable for hardwood floors that would receive moderate to heavy foot traffic.


Beech lumber is extremely difficult to work with hand tools which made it unfavorable in the past as a flooring option. However, with the use of machinery beech lumber is much easier to work with. Because beech lumber can shrink significantly, it is of the utmost importance that it be dried thoroughly and carefully. Once dry, it is strong, heavy, and hard. It is resistant to shock and quite suitable to steam bending. Once processed, it wears very well and is easily treated with preservatives, but it can be somewhat difficult to stain. Both gluing and nailing properties are good. It has exceptionally good resistance to wear, making it an ideal choice for hardwood flooring.

Care and Maintenance

Even though beech wood flooring is relatively hard and durable, it is still a wood product, and it can be damaged. Preventative maintenance and routine care are necessary in order to retain the natural beauty of this flooring. Preventative maintenance begins with placing runners or rugs in high traffic areas such as entryways and hallways. Wearing shoes with heels on the floor can damage it over time and should be limited. Pads need to be placed under the legs of furniture and chairs to limit deep gouges from developing and to minimize damage if the pieces should need to be moved to a different location in the future. Homes with animals should make an effort to keep animal’s nails trimmed in order to prevent accidental indentions and scrapes as the animals move from room to room. Regular care is also important in maintaining the beauty of the beech floors. Sweeping on a regular basis, or vacuuming on a hardwood setting, can remove sand and dirt that can scour the polish away over time. Spills need to be cleaned as soon as possible to prevent stains from settling into the wood. Further cleaning instructions are typically dependant on the type of finish chosen for the flooring.

Environmental Issues

Beech trees have long been described as the mothers of the forest because of the nutrient rich humus they provide. Beech trees produce nuts that provide food for a number of animals including birds, mice, chipmunks, black bears, deer, and foxes. The most significant mortality risk for the American beech tree is the deadly combination of insect and fungus. The insect is the beech scale. It attacks the bark of the tree, wounding it. This wound makes it susceptible to the fungi. Both N. coccinea var. faginata and N. galligena can infest the beech tree with spores that eventually will kill the tree. Currently, the only cost effective method of preventing the spread of the fungus has been cutting down affected and surrounding areas. Ornamental trees that are of high value can be saved through the use of insecticides to prevent the initial damage by the insects.

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Oak Parquet Flooring


Oak Parquet Flooring

Oak parquet flooring is formed from individual oak blocks which are positioned together to make various parquet patterns to name a few; herringbone, chevron, Versailles and more. In the UK oak is the most popular species of parquet flooring simply because of its versatility when it comes to applying a finish or a stain, allowing you to choose from a variety of different shades, colours and textures.

Oak parquet wood flooring is available in both solid and engineered boards. Solid parquet flooring is construct only from solid oak pieces whilst engineered parquet flooring consists of multiple layers of plywood and a solid oak veneer both are bonded together to make an extremely durable floor. Engineered parquet flooring is suitable for underfloor heating and can be installed in wet rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Parquet flooring can be sanded and refinished several times subject to the overall thickness but generally most products can be sanded down seven times, this process is usually carried out once every 15 years. One you sand down a parquet floor you have the option to re finish the flooring back to its original look or to totally change its appearance by applying a different coloured stain.

Overall oak parquet flooring is easy to install and there are two different joining methods tongue and groove and click. Tongue and groove parquet flooring would need to be installed using glue or nails and click parquet flooring just simply clicks together like a jigsaw. The key to a smooth and swift installation of oak parquet flooring is to make sure the sub floor is level.

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Teak Decking for Swimming Pool

  Usage of Brazilian Teak Decking for Swimming Pool Brazilian Teak wood is a hardwood native to South America. It is extremely dense and fiv...